Dec 5, 2013

Quilling Christmas Snowflake Card (4 of 5)

This version is more structured, but I'm struggling to keep the arms pointing straight. After using 1/4" strips, I tried to go back to 1/8" width and it felt incredibly flimsy. Funny - I never imagined that!

What is your preferred width for quilling snowflakes?

Download the free PDF template of this snowflake grid to make your quilled snowflakes even.



  1. this is even more beautiful, cecelia !!

  2. Ooh, what a beauty! I bet those perfect angles took quite a while to do.

  3. LOL, yes I struggled with those angles after I removed the pins. Don't you wish there was some kind of spray that made it all stay in place?

  4. Another beauty! Since I am still DREAMING about quilling, I didn't even know papers came in different widths! What size is common, so that when I finally get to try it, I get the right size.

    1. LOL thanks Four11Lady! I would say the "right size" is whatever you like. Most prefer 1/8" width, but in the case of snowflakes, I really enjoyed making them from 1/4" width. If you happen to have a paper cutter, simply cut your own just to play with it. 24lb bond paper for the photocopier is just fine for tight small items, but with my larger sweeping curves, I prefer something heavier like at least 60lb bond or text weight. It's hard to find but I manage at some art supply stores. Thanks for asking your question!

  5. Ciao si mi piacerebbe ricevere il pdf sulla mail I tuoi lavori sono sempre bellissimi. Grazie
