
Jan 17, 2017

Quilling Ribbon - A Space Saving Tip

I hope you all had a recharging time over the holidays to tackle new creative challenges in 2017. I have been taking a break from online activities, as I'm focused on a new large project – details to come.

After boxing up all the festive decor, I'm left trying to cram left over ribbon in the same space I had before. Anyone else have that problem? Have you ever used up the ribbon and then looked at that empty, airy spool wondering why it needed to command all that room in your drawers?

I turned several spools (above) into concise, petite space saving bags (below). 

I think even Marie Kondo would approve of my efforts! These clear zip lock bags let me see exactly how much ribbon is left. As I pull on the ribbon, I keep the opposite hand pinched at the closure to keep the disc in place yet able to turn. There isn't any wasted space and I can fit so much more ribbon in a tiny space.

And the tool I used to turn space wasting spools into colourful compacted discs? My slotted quilling tool of course.

If you've used your quilling tool for more than just quilling, share your ideas in the comments!


  1. you're such a smart cookie...I've finger rolled my stash of ribbon but I've never used my quilling tool. Can't wait to see you new big project.

    1. Hee hee, any excuse to justify having the supplies we have right?

  2. What a fantastic idea! I know what I'm going to be doing.
    TFS, xx

    1. Hi Nana, I'm so glad you like this idea! I'd love to see your before and after. I was so into it that I forgot to take a photo of my drawer.

  3. Love this idea! I've got my share of ribbon too, and it takes up tons of space more than it should. Maybe not for too much longer.

    I've never tried quilling, though I've been reading this blog awhile. Are all quilling tools slotted?

    1. Heeheehee, looking forward to seeing your before and after Lady Dragoness! Thank you for making my day with your kind words!

      Do you usually tackle paper die cutting then?

      The two types of quilling tools are "slotted" and "needle". I even thought about making some contraption that would allow me to use my sewing machine to thread it onto a homemade spool! Can you imagine?

  4. Replies
    1. Hey Torviewtoronto, thanks! Please let me know if your craft drawers suddenly develop more room for new supplies!

  5. Great idea!!! A great space saver....added to my todo list! thanks for the great idea

    1. So happy to hear this is something you'll enjoy doing!

  6. Great idea for ribbon. I hang mine on a wooden scarf holder and keep in my closet. My apartment is small so I must be well organized. I often joke that my bed takes up to much space that could be used for crafts so it may have to go some day!

    1. Hi Sande, your closet must look amazingly tantalizing each time you need to wrap! Yes, storage under the bed only has one way to go when it's full - upwards!
