
Jun 9, 2016

Quilling a Bird - Review and Example by J

I love hearing feedback! I love knowing how my designs worked out for other people – good or bad. Although I test and ask for feedback, it's after someone has achieved my hopes that I feel fulfilled. So I'm very grateful to have received this review below from J. 

She chose to use a translucent vellum for her window, which gives the viewer a playful tease. I like how the metallic silver is used throughout the card and box, tying in the colors with the teal and red. I'm simply purring to read that an experienced quiller agreed with me about how much easier the card stock is to work with. Who knows what'll be next?

The video for quilling a bird greeting card with a box is a great way to begin learning how to quill. Seeing each step is easier to follow than written instructions and the thicker card stock is much easier to handle than the usual narrow paper strips. The gluing tips and methods to keep the paper even helped me with my problem of messy glue spots showing and uneven edges. I like the friendly casual tone of the video “Hey, you got a good hold there.” and the pattern is fun and cheery to see after it is completed. The box was a little tricky. The tabs from the top needed a little help to insert into the bottom openings. I have done some quilling before but I still learned useful tips from this video. Seeing the steps would make it easy to make even for a beginner, I think.   ~ J

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