
Feb 6, 2013

Quilled Thank You Cards (6 of 8)

I never realized how fun it would be to do abstract quilling until I had to use up my leftover pieces. It's amazing to me how little can still say so much. Since these were made with thicker strips I didn't want to mix it up with my regular pile of quilling pieces in progress, which I keep in a fishing tackle box - just $6 at Canadian Tire and comes with re-positionable compartment walls.

My thanks this time goes out to all of you who comment on and follow this blog. Your positive words encourage me to work through my doubts and give me a pick-me-up. I appreciate your visits and the time you take to let me know your thoughts. Thank you all!


  1. I think this one will be my favourite or...wait a little , there are still two more!
    I just love, love the simple and yet so striking quilling of yours!

    1. LOL thanks for making my Friday, kiddo!!! Aw, I'm flying high right now :D

      I can't wait for Saturday's post when you'll see where these all come from!

