
Dec 17, 2012

How to use up scrap paper

I have a big-ass folder of scraps because I can't bear to throw anything away that might someday be of use. I know this circle can be cut from this triangular corner, but how do I make sure I get it right the first (and only) time?

I lay down a used piece of paper (I salvage the papers from work that have been printed on too), then cut my shape. I cover the circle with my scrap and secure it with removable tape. Now when I cut again, I KNOW it will be 100% where I want. You can see I had just about 2mm margin of error.

Let me know if this method worked for you too!


  1. Lol! I have a bin! I'm a paper hoarder. I've done the same with my silhouette. It's da bomb!

  2. Ever thought of using a pen on the white paper as a guide for the red paper scrap instead of cutting the circle, especially if your not going to use the white circle for anything? Just a idea.

    1. Hi Carrie, thanks for taking the time to comment here! :D

      When I cut the white circle out, I expose the adhesive mat, which helps keep my red paper in place while I cut. I use my blade until it's so incredibly dull, so if I don't have great adhesion to the mat, it catches and pulls on the paper, ruining my shape. Ever do that? Then I'm just rolling my eyes at myself. PLUS, I'm lazy to change from cutter to pen, then back to cutter again, LOL!

