May 22, 2011

How To Quill Tea Cup and Vase

It’s been a few months since my last post because we’ve been in the throes of selling and buying our home. Renting in the meantime makes my creative head space chaotic, but I really wanted to address a comment left by a reader.

I received a request to explain how I made this design, and heaved an deep internal sigh. I have to fess up – it’s not as easy as it may seem. I have a  graveyard box of half twirled strips that were too long or too short. I try to resurrect these leftovers like a hopeful owner in Pet Semetery. Every time I try to re-do the same design, it’s as if the wrong side of my brain is getting tangled up and I end up not liking my second time around result. I don’t measure one-off designs, unlike the flowers I sell on Etsy, which I explain in a way that anyone could do. So I’ll do my best to explain here.

My coils tend to be very open and loose. I made the cup bottom first by pinching a corner (where the paper ends to hide the seam better), then a second corner, forming a dip in the middle.
The “tea” is a very open circle. This was my 3rd attempt to fit the teacup – just like Goldilocks. Even so, a tail stuck out, which I minimized with the handle.

The vase is also made by pinching two corners. As I glue to the surface, I would gently pinch the shoulder closer – it’s not always a docile item before I glue.

This ratio may seem off, but if I were to glue it down, I would elongate the vase during the time of gluing to give a better ratio. Vice versa, if you find your vase too long, just push the bottom up and have a wide style vase. I honestly don’t remember how I did this first card and how many attempts it took. So if it feels like you are trying and trying, and not succeeding, just realize I’m there too! Don’t give up and just enjoy the process – celebrate the pieces that do work out.